Know About Offshore Registration In The British Virgin Islands

 British Virgin Islands (BVI) is a British Territory located on numerous islands in the volcanic archipelago in the Caribbean. The Virgin Islands is a classic offshore administration that implements the same conditions for companies registered to operate in the local market and for companies in the international market. It is this administration that thousands of businessmen choose because of favourable taxation, simplified reporting, and a high level of confidentiality of personal data. The BVI is considered a prestigious jurisdiction that tries to maintain its credibility. It is beneficial to open international business companies (IBC) here.

Features of registration of offshore companies in the Virgin Islands

· Any activity is allowed that does not contradict the laws of the British Virgin Islands

· The minimum number of shareholders and directors - one each (both individuals and legal entities)

· There are no residency requirements for shareholders and directors;

· There are no requirements for mandatory payment of the authorized capital

· The name of the company must be unique and contain an abbreviation of the legal form

· It is necessary to have a registered office of the company

· The company is prohibited from owning real estate but is allowed to rent premises to register the physical office address

· The right to issue registered shares

· Possible sole establishment of the company

· All documentation must be kept on the islands

· The term for registering an offshore company in the Virgin Islands takes several days.

After reading these features, we hope you understand why building an offshore company in BVI is important.

If you do not want to waste your time on BVI offshore company setup, buy a ready-made offshore company in the Virgin Islands. You can leave a request on the company’s website and they will call you back to answer all your questions.


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